Knwoledge reservoir of Winetwork project is now open. It is a website gathering various information on Grapevine trunk diseases and Flavescence Dorée.
More than 100 technical articles, 45 videos, 70
scientific articles and more are available on the knowledge reservoir. Getconnected now and find the information in your language!
Thematic networks under Horizon 2020
The EIP-Agri has published a brochure on thematic networks which are funded through Horizon 2020, WINETWORK is cited as example ! Working on a specific topic, these thematic networks transform existing knowledge and practices into useful practical material.
Find out how they are set up, how they work, what they produce and which networks already exist by
reading the brochure.
EIP Agri Website
Participate in the survey
Winetwork goal is to provide access to information to largest possible number of vine sector stakeholders.
Under which form this information must be made available?
Videos, podcast, training courses, journal article...?
Which is the preferred mean for a consultant ? An for a vineyard worker?
Help us finding good answers to these simple but crucial questions:
participate the 5-minutes survey
Since January 2016, the 10 facilitator agents of Winetwork project are travelling throughout their region to reach out winegrowers and perform interviews on practices and experiences to limit the impact of grapevine trunk diseases and Flavescence Dorée.
Interviews will run unting end of May. At the end of this period, a regional and European assessment will be drawn up and will list best practices and innovation regarding the management of both diseases.
WINETWORK project is described in EIP Agri Newsletter of july 2015
WINETWORK project is described in EIP Agri Newsletter of jully 2015
The WINETWORK project has the ambition to stimulate collaborative innovation in the wine sector. The project will implement a methodology that has been successful in promoting demand-driven innovations in previous regional and European projects. This approach is mainly based on the interactions between a network of facilitator agents, several regional technical working groups and one European scientific working group. A participatory approach is used to translate results from science and practical knowledge into technical datasheets that are used to prepare materials adapted to end-users. A bottom-up approach is also used to identify a demand-driven innovation agenda.
The WINETWORK project will implement these approaches in ten regions from seven countries representing more than 90% of the EU wine production (France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Hungary and Croatia). The main topic addressed in the network concerns the control and the fight against diseases that jeopardise the future production potential of the EU (Grapevine Trunk Diseases and Flavescence Dorée). As these represent a threat for the economic viability of the entire sector, these topics have been previously identified as a priority by winegrowers, scientists and decision-makers. Since many winegrowers are testing innovative and sustainable approaches to fight these diseases, it is very beneficial to capture these ideas and to share them between EU countries. Innovative practices will be synthesised, tailored and translated to become fully accessible to winegrowers and innovation support services. The project will then deliver a vast reservoir of existing scientific and practical knowledge related to sustainable vineyard management. It will also document a methodology that can support all agricultural sectors to enhance innovation driven research. WINETWORK involves 11 partners who excel in their field representing the entire innovation chain, from science to farmers. The role of the technical relay partners will be to contribute to the collection of data at national level by organising workshops and discussions with as many stakeholders and practitioners as possible (winegrowers, nurseries, public bodies etc.) and to run "pilot actions" in a specific region of interest. This will consist of transferring the project results to local stakeholders (training workshops), including the assessment of such actions. WINETWORK is funded by the European framework Horizon 2020 for 30 months.