Quiz - Flavescence Dorée

1) Which pathogen is responsible for Flavescence Dorée disease?

2) How is transmitted Flavescence Dorée (FD) (several answer possible)

Winetwork - Quiz Grapevine Trunk Diseases
(Cristina Carlos, ADVID)

3) Which insect type transmits Flavescence Dorée phytoplasma?

4) Scaphoideus titanus acquires the phytoplasma by feeding on a contaminated vinestock. Then, it spreads the disease from vinestock to another in every food grap. The insect is:

5) Can leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus transmits the phytoplasma to its descendants?

Winetwork - Quiz Grapevine Trunk Diseases
(Cristina Carlos, ADVID)

6) How many phytoplasma strains are found in Europe?

7) How can transmission by grafting be limiting? (several answers possible)

8) How Flavescence Dorée (FD) symptoms can be characterized?( several answers possible):

9) This discoloration is characteristic of Flavescence Dorée symptoms for:

Winetwork - Quiz Flavescence Dorée

10) Only some cultivar are sensitive to Flavescence dorée

11) Flavescence Dorée is classified as a(several answer possible):

12) Click on the photo corresponding to the following insects

L3 scaphoideus titanus larvae
Adult of Scaphoideus titanus
Empoasca vitis Larvae
Phlogotettix larvae
Winetwork - Quiz Flavescence Dorée
(Photo Pascal Salar, INRA)
Winetwork - Quiz Flavescence Dorée
(Photo IFV)
Winetwork - Quiz Flavescence Dorée
(Photo Pascal Salar, INRA)
Winetwork - Quiz Flavescence Dorée
(Photo Julien Chuche, INRA)
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°652601
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